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Empathy Map - Say Feel Do Worksheet

Empathy Map - Say Feel Do Worksheet

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Empathy Map Brainstorming Worksheet

Empathy Map Brainstorming Worksheet

This simple map that helps us explore the thoughts and feelings of others. By using this worksheet, we can step into someone else's shoes and understand how they might be feeling.

You see, empathy is a superpower that allows us to connect with others and show kindness. It helps us understand what someone might be going through and how we can make them feel better.

With this worksheet, we'll have fun brainstorming and drawing as we think about different people and situations. We'll imagine what makes them happy, sad, or excited. We'll even get to think about how we can help them feel loved and supported.

Sure! The Say, Do, See, Feel technique is a way to understand what people need and how they feel by paying attention to what they say, do, see, and feel in different situations. Let's break it down:

1. Say: This is about listening to what people say. It's important to pay attention to their words and the things they express verbally. For example, if someone says, "I wish I had more time to play outside," it tells us that they value outdoor activities and need more free time.

2. Do: This refers to observing what people do or how they act. By watching their actions, we can gain insights into their needs. For instance, if someone always brings a book with them wherever they go, it indicates that they enjoy reading and need intellectual stimulation.

3. See: This involves observing the environment and the things around people. By noticing what catches their attention or what they interact with, we can understand their interests and preferences. For example, if someone spends a lot of time looking at artwork or visiting museums, it suggests they appreciate visual beauty and artistic experiences.

4. Feel: This focuses on understanding people's emotions and feelings. By empathizing with their emotions, we can get a sense of their desires and aspirations. For instance, if someone expresses excitement and joy when talking about spending time with loved ones, it shows that they value connection and belonging.

By combining the information from what people say, do, see, and feel, we can gain a deeper understanding of their needs and experiences. This helps us design better solutions or offer support that truly meets their requirements and makes them happier.

Let's spread empathy and make the world a brighter, happier place!

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